Chaitanya Jyothi Museum of Sai Baba
Chaitanya Jyothi Museum of Sai Baba
从事绘图设计,美化装饰行业的拿督王红标,从16岁开始入行,为庙宇佛堂完成了不计其数的工程,包括富贵山庄的富贵金龙。但最令他深引以为荣, 毕生难忘的是在2000年11月18日举行开幕典礼的位于印度布达峇地 (Buddha Barty) 活佛赛峇峇的圣城纪念馆 (Chaitanya Jyothi Museum) 。在来自世界多国包括英国, 美国, 日本, 泰国, 尼泊尔等的设计师都呈上图测申请这项工程,绝没料到的是,在赛峇峇的亲自遴选下,拿督王红标竟能在众多高手中,脱颖而出,获授在占地5英亩的土地上兴建圣城纪念馆。拿督王红标能在设计美化领域里取得成功,固然是靠他一路来努力不懈的钻研,加上过人的资质及累积多年的经验,方能达致。但他相信能得到活佛赛峇峇的青睐,还另有一份机缘在促成。这项揉合了中西和印度元素的设计,拿督王红标历经了3个月的时间才完成。这期间,每当他全神投入工作时,就会有缕缕清香沁人心脾,令人仿佛置身在印度文化浓郁的环境里,如幻似梦。就在这样的情况下,完成了他的作品。后来证实这香气跟他从活佛赛峇峇本人身上闻到的粉香味一样。平素对神话传说认识不深的拿督王红标,在这项工程里掺入了改变后的孙悟空造型,意料不到的是,这造型竟和印度正义之神 (Hanuman) 相吻合, 这就是令赛峇峇喜爱这设计的原因之一。这是神助? 还是缘份? 在赛誉誉庆祝75岁诞辰前夕, 来自各方成千上万的信众齐集在圣城纪念馆,参观开幕典礼,同时欲亲睹赛峇峇风采。拿督王红标本人,女儿佩君和弟弟红志则有幸受赛峇峇邀请,站在赛峇峇身旁观礼,并接受信众们的祝福,这是何等的荣耀,多大的福气啊! 这也是令他们最感动,毕生难忘的一个场合。
Dato Ong Ang Pieu who has been involved in drawing, designing, beautifying and decorating for buildings since the age of 16, had completed numerous projects for temples and monasteries including the golden dragons of the Nirvana Memorial Park. However the work in which he takes the greatest pride is the Chaitanya Jyothi Museum of Sai Baba at Buddha Bary in India, declared open on Nov. 18, 2000, There were designers from various countries such as England, U.S.A. Japan, Thailand and Nepal who submitted their plans to compete for the project. However, to the surprise of the people, Dato Ong Ang Pieu finally emerged as the winner by the personal choice of Sai Baba and awarded the project of biding the Chaitanya Jyothi Museum on a 5 acre-land. Dato Ong Ang Pieu’s success in the field of design and decoration can undoubtedly be attributed to his unremitting efforts in the past, his extraordinary endowments and wealth of experience. However, he believes that it was ‘predestined’ fate that enabled him to win Sai Baba’s favour. The design that has incorporated westem, eastern and Indian elements, took Dato Ong Ang Pieu 3 months to complete. During this period, whenever he was completely engrossed in his work, an invigorating scent would seep into his heart, making him feel as if being in a surreal environment rich in Indian culture.It was under these circumstances that he accomplished his work. Later it was confirmed by him that the scent was the same as the fragrance of powder that emanated from Sai Baba. Dato Ong Ang Pieu who does not have a profound knowledge of myths has introduced the modified images of the Monkey King in his project. What surprised him was that the modified images coincided with that of the Indian God of Justice ‘Hanuman’. This is one of the reasons why Sai Baba loved his design. Is this help from God or predestined affinity? On the eve of Sai Baba’s 75th birthday, thousands of followers thronged the Chaitanya Jyothi Musuem to witness the Opening Ceremony and catch a glimpse of Sai Baba. Dato Ong Ang Pieu together with his daughter and younger brother had their proudest moment in life when they were invited to be with Sai Baba to witness the ceremony and be blessed by his followers. This was the most touching and unforgettable occasion for them.